Loans You Can Be Qualified For:

Using the government money is the best way to invest in property below the market price and it is easy to be qualify for. you can find low interest rate loan and it's available at every level. State, Federal and local. 

Direct Loan:
Some Direct loan can have a zero percent or 3% interest but these loan you need to pay back. Getting a zero or 3% is not bad. A low interest rate loan with a zero or 3%is a good deal.

Free money:
These money you don't have to pay back and it not a loan. That’s money that is given to solve government problems.

VA Loans:
VA are program that sell repossessed properties. Veterans Administration (VA) This type of loans is for every body. You don't have to be a veteran to be qualify. It's easy qualifying for a Veteran loan. With veteran loan you can buy a home with no money down. You can buy, build or improve a home with no down payment. These loans are guaranteed, you can buy a home with a bargain prices.

Hud Put the property on the market for sell:
Hud will pay the closing costs, loan fees and other fees if you request it. Hud will allow you to apply 5% of your offer toward closing costs. 5,000 for a $ 10,000  property. With Hud you can make a down payment as low as 3%.

Matching funds:
These programs the government match every percentage of dollars you add to a project. Meaning if you add a $ 1.00 the government will add a $1.00 too and these loan you don't have to pay back. Check out our listing!



Government Grants: 

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